Saturday, May 22, 2010

Still Here

So we haven't been very good at updating this blog. We've been so bad in fact, that it took us about 20 minutes to even figure out what our username was.

Here's a quick update of our journey so far as we approach our one year anniversary here in the DR:
-- After doing some contract work for the UN late last year, Jahkedda landed a sweet telecommuting job that she can do from home in her pajamas
-- A couple months ago, Aaron was named as the Deputy Chief of the section he had been working in since arriving at post.
-- We spent Christmas and New Year's with Jahkedda's family in Trinidad, where Aaron discovered a love for Soca music
-- We've become masters at not only the Merengue but also the Bachata
-- With the help of three of her siblings that flew down from NY, Jahkedda celebrated an EPIC 30th birthday weekend
-- We're headed to Mexico City in a week to celebrate Aaron's 31st birthday
-- After much debate and introspection, we decided to finish out the 2-year tour here in the DR instead of jumping ship later this year. So we'll be here through June 2011.
-- Although we're still learning, neither of us really speaks Spanish all that well.